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Sunbury Eye & Vision | Spectacle & Glasses Making, Optometry, Comprehensive Eye Care, Vision for Children, Dry Eye Clinic. Sunbury, Melbourne, Victoria.
Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision


Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision

Through Vision For Children, our goal is to support children to achieve the clearest vision possible and optimal visual performance for their health, development, learning, and wellbeing.
Our Sunbury practice is a safe place for a diverse range of children and their families.
We conduct children’s eye examinations ensuring healthy eyes, clear vision, and efficient visual skills for learning and life.
We provide assessments and treatments for visual conditions affecting children, both in early childhood and throughout their school years.
We work together with families, schools, doctors, and other professionals to provide the highest level of care for the benefit of the child.
We communicate clearly with you, and provide reports for doctors, allied health, education, and welfare professionals.


Children’s vision develops constantly from birth. Here are some key milestones in the visual development of young children.
If you have any concerns about your child’s eyes or vision, contact us for an appointment with one of our optometrists.


• Vision changes throughout child development from 0–18 years old

• 10% of children will have an ongoing vision condition

• Vision problems can impact a child’s general development and learning

Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision


Stares at surroundings when awake

Momentarily holds gaze on bright lights or bright objects

Blinks at bright lights like a camera flash

Eyes and head move together


Eyes begin to follow moving objects or people

Watches faces when being spoken to

Begins to watch their own hands

Eyes move in active inspection of surroundings

While sitting, looks at hand, food, bottle

Looks for and watches distant objects

8 - 24 WEEKS

May turn eyes inward when inspecting close objects

Watches activity in surrounds for longer periods of time

Looks for dropped items

Visually inspects objects that can be held

Visually responds to smiles, voices, and people

30 - 48 WEEKS

Uses both hands and visually steers hand activity

Visually interested in simple pictures

Often holds objects very close to eyes to inspect

Points to people or objects using words like “look” or “see”

12 - 18 MONTHS

Begins to visually inspect objects without needing to touch

Smiles and facial brightening when viewing favourite objects

Watches own hands while scribbling

Visually explores and steers own walking and climbing

Watches and imitates other children

Starts to keep drawing within the page

24 - 36 MONTHS
Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision
Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision
Glaucoma  Cataracts  Diabetes and Eye Health  Macular Degeneration  Blurred Vision

Complains of blurred vision

Complains of headaches or eye strain, especially with near work

Poor reading comprehension which worsens over time

Squinting, blinking, eye rubbing, or holding reading materials close


Regularly loses place when reading or copying from the board

Skips words or lines, needs to use their finger as a guide

Excessive head movement when reading

Short attention span


Covers or closes eyes when reading

Unusual head turn or poor posture when reading

Complains of words moving or jumbling on the page


Persistent reversal of letters and numbers

Writes their name from right to left

Incorrect order of well-known letter clusters


Difficulty recognising the same word repeated on a page

Mistakes words with similar beginnings


Poor spacing of writing and inability to stay on the line

Difficulty copying from the board

Can respond verbally but has difficulty producing written answers



Children’s visual development continues throughout school. Here are some common signs and behaviours that may indicate vision problems. Consider whether you or your child’s teachers have noticed any of the following.
If you have any concerns about your child’s eyes or vision, contact us for an appointment with one of our optometrists.
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